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Below are some useful utilities
and software for both film 
and music production.
Bookmark this page as there will be 
frequent updates to this list.

Echo Viewpro 32 bit audio Tools Suite
MusiCalc V.4.3
Keyboard Temperament Analyzer
CDex (CD to .wav or mp3)
Cool Edit 96 (2 track Digital Audio Editor)
Cool Edit Pro (Multitrack Audio Editor)
Goldwave Digital Audio Editor
Copernic99 (new internet search tool)
METROMON (metronome - tuner)
YAMP 3 (Plays WAV's Midid & CD's)
RAMPLAYER mp3 player
Exact Audio (Copy and Sound Editor)
Web EQ (software equalizer)
Audio Compositor 2.2 (Midi to WAV)
Singing Electrons Audio Control Center
Effects Processor Pro V 1.0
Mixman Studio
MusEdit (Music notations editor)


Click here for a Handy Guitar Chord Finder